Information on management of personal data

(2022. január 1.)

Kovács Pál E.V. hosting service provider (seated: H-8360 Keszthely, Kinizsi Pál u. 50.; VAT: 73265621-2-40; NTAK: MA21002733; 585) and its employees and partners handle your personal data related to Ginger House Apartman (address: H-8360 Keszthely, Kinizsi Pál u. 50.) in case you book accommodation with them.


1. Data controller and individuals with data management

Kovács Pál E.V. and its employees and partners, and all responsible organisations enlisted by law, listed below, are responsible.
Each hosting service provider is required to enter the personal data denoted by law of their guest in a guest information database (Vendégem), and the picture of your personal document by an ID scanner in VIZA system. Your data will be processed and sent to Magyar Turisztikai Ügynökség (MTÜ) by ’Vendégem’ software and VIZA ID scanner system.

Name: Magyar Turisztikai Ügynökség Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (MTÜ)
Seated: 1027 Budapest, Kacsa utca 15-23.
Postal address: 1525 Budapest, Postafiók 97.
Telephone: +36 1 488 8700
E-mail address:

In addition, each hosting service provider is liable to pay the tourist tax (IFA) after each night spent in their accommodation based on the law of the local municipality (42/2013. (XI.29.) 16. paragraph), Keszthely Polgármesteri Hivatal.

Name: Keszthely Polgármesteri Hivatal Közgazdasági Osztály Adócsoport
Seated: 8360 Keszthely, Fő tér 1.
Postal address: 8360 Keszthely, Fő tér 1.
Telephone: +36 83 505 500


2. The legal basis and purpose of data management

The primary legal basis of data management is the processing of personal data necessary for contractual performance. Furthermore, it is required by governmental organisations as well.

The amendment to Act CLVI of 2016 on State Functions Pertaining to the Development of Tourism Regions entered into effect on 1 January 2021. The amendment requires accommodation providers to store the data specified by law from accommodation service users in the data storage location designated by the Government for the purposes specified in the Act.

The hosting service provider specified by the Government is the Magyar Turisztikai Ügynökség (MTÜ).
The MTÜ’s hosting tasks introduced in the amendemnt are performed by the Closed Guest Information Database System (Vendég Információs Zárt Adatbázis, VIZA) starting on 1 Sept, 2021.

The purpose of VIZA is to protect the rights, safety and property of the data subject and others, and to support monitoring of the adherence to the provisions pertaining to the residence of third-country nationals and those persons with the right to move freely and to reside, i.e. the primary aim of VIZA is to promote public order, public safety, secure border crossing, and the protection of the rights, safety and property of the data subject and others.

In addition, we are required to send your personal data to Keszthely Polgármesteri Hivatal (Keszthely Municipality) due to the regulations of Keszthely Municipality Representative Body in its law 42/2013. (XI.29.) 16. paragraph, which orders the payment of tourist tax (IFA) based on each night/person above age 18 spent in any tourist accommodation in Keszthely.


3. The scope and term of data managed

The term of data management is the required document retention period as per the prevailing regulations.
Data management concerns the data of partners (name, telephone number, e-mail address) required for contractual performance, as well as data required for accounting purposes (name, VAT number, address).

At check-in, the accommodation provider records the following data using ’Vendégem’ software and an ID scanner: the guest’s family name and first name, birth family name and first name, birth place and date, sex, nationality, mother’s birth family name and first name, and number of personal identification (ID card, passport, driver’s licence). The data mentioned earlier need to be registered for children under age 14 equally, however, it is sufficient for the parent or caretaker to declare the data.

The tools used by accommodation providers and the VIZA system may not store images of the scanned documents.
In case the required documents are not presented, the accommodation provider shall refuse to provide accommodation to you.


4. Addressees of personal data

Employees and contracted certified partners of our company have exclusive access to your personal data in the extent which is necessary to their job. In accordance to statutory regulations of relevant authorities (MTÜ and Keszthely Polgármesteri Hivatal), and further occassional requests of designated authorities may we disclose personal data to third parties, however, our contracted payroll and accounting service need to receive the data.


5. Your rights

  • 5.1. You have the right to ask for information Kovács Pál E.V. regarding the managed data at any time considering personal data, its purpose, its legal basis, the terms of data management, the identity of recipients, or the purpose of its disclosure.
  • 5.2. You have the right to ask us at any time to correct or complete your personal data.
  • 5.3. You have the right to ask us at any time to hand over your available personal data we manage in electronic form to you, or to another data controller.

Kovács Pál E.V. investigates all requests relating to data management within 30 days of submittal, concludes a decision on validity, and informs the submittal on their decision in writing.


6. Complaints

  • 6.1. Should you believe that Kovács Pál E.V. does not manage your personal data in accordance with the information provided above, or you have not been able to exercise your rights adequately, please contact us via any of the contact details below:
    • personally, in our office: H-8360 Keszthely, Kinizsi Pál utca 50.
    • via e-mail:
    • via phone: +36 30 966 2761
  • 6.2. In case of breach of any of your rights in relation to personal data, you may submit your complaint to the authorities via these contact details:
    Authority: Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság
    Postal address: 1363 Budapest, Pf. 9.
    Head office: 1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa u. 9-11.
    Telephone: + 36 1 391 1400
    Fax: + 36 1 391 1410
    E-mail address:
  • 6.3. In case of infringement in the management of your personal data, please consult a legal advisor.

I acknowledge the above information, and contribute to the data management policy described.-

Kovács Pál E.V. | 8360 Keszthely, Kinizsi Pál u. 50. | Adószám: 73265621-2-40 | NTAK MA 21002733 | Nyilvántartási szám: 585